Swirling, twirling
Thrumming, drumming
Thrusting, grinding
Skirts are flying
Beads of sweat
Are dripping, slipping
Down my neck
Shirt sticking, wicking
There you are across the room
Your eyes are closed,
You’re praying, swaying
Things that bind
Are fast unfurling
Opened eyes
Now calling, pulling
In my chest
Heart’s beating, heating
Singing, luring, weaving, laughing
Drawn from far across the space
We’re inching, stepping, leaping, flying
Finally we’re face to face and
Flowing, rocking, holding, falling
Trusting, catching, joy unmatching
Rolling, riding, fast unlatching
Locks that formed from rigid stance
Have found their keys inside the dance
This must be read aloud! Cat, it's fabulous. Gorgeous cadence, irresistably pulling the reader into and through it, taking us there.
Favorite line: Things that bind
Are fast unfurling. :)
I love this one!!
What joy!! :D
Makes me want to go back to the beginning, too. ;)
Well Jennifer and Aine, there you two are in your colorful avatars next to each other again! :-)
The beginning is delicious! My heart is dancing an ecstatic swirl with this promising Spring a'comin'.
Pulsing, radiating, unfathomable happiness. That's what you're painting across those stars with this beautiful rush of words, Cat.
A new beginning. With music and feet twining together in a dizzy, delicious reality that's better than any dream.
Enjoy the vertigo!! :) And thank you for sharing the gorgeous energy. Ahhh...
Ghee it really is like a dance, rhythmic with bursts of bliss:)
Felt like I was dancing up a storm while reading this...thanks, Cat! Whole lot a shakin' goin' on!
Truck loads of -ing's there. Nice!!! I like the structure and style!!! And, yes, of course the poem itself!!!
Wow! This is fabulous!!! I had to read it orally to enjoy the rhythm! Love this, Cat.
Such a passion poured into this words. Wow. It's almost infectous! And yet, I sense the knowledge behind it. A precious thing to nuture, not something to take for granted or squander. There's power in that knowledge.
had my toes tapping the whole time, cat ;) lol
Sarah- You are MOST welcome! :-)
K. - You got that right! ;-)
BrosR -Thanks! Nothing like verbs to get you hopping!
Karen- Thanks! I definitely read it out loud a bunch while writing it. And, I don't agree with what you said on Linda's blog. You are a FINE poet my dear, among the best.
Jason - A little experience and wisdom goes a long way. Thank god for that. There are many GREAT things about growing older. :-)
Laughingwolf - Yay! Thanks to you, and I'm glad it left you smiling!
The motion, the flow of this has me swaying, rocking...
I like that that one !
Good job
Rachel-So glad it got you swaying!
Heya Mechy-Nice to see you on my blog, and thanks!
Dear Cat,
I apologize for the delay of leaving a comment to that vivid poem.
You can feel it from the words and from the rhyme you used that you were like a little girl jumping on her bed and dancing while composing this one.
You make us running with the joyful fast sequences of the poem. Lots of -ings but there are necessary for the continuous flow.
I am glad that your mood is so shiny and you are able to extract the best of you in that dance.
Thanks Khaled! Yes, I thought the -ings would make it fun. And it was inspired from a real life dancing experience Sunday, and it was exactly like a little girl jumping on the bed to be there, and to write the poem! Loving that sense of childhood that we can still conjure up while we play.
Etain! Sorry I missed you earlier, sandwiched between Sarah and K there. Thank you!
I don't know how I missed this earlier (Honestly)... and I wish this was in my course book, when poem recital was compulsory in my school (For one, I would have been spared of the embarrassment to recite 'Piggy on the railway line' in front of the whole class).
I was singing, dancing, tapping, shaking all the way through with your words. You should must sing this one and post an audio on you blog. :-D
What a lovely way to start a day.... smiles all over!
Aw Aniket- YOu make me so happy! Piggy on a Railway? Seriously? You have just made my day, that is too funny!
Yeah... you know that poem?? :-D
My dad made me practice the last line with actions and all...
"Oh.. said Piggy thats not fair....
Aah, said the the engine driver... i don't care"
It still gives me nightmares!!! lolzzz
Actually Aniket, I didn't know the poem, but I just looked it up. It is a very strong allegory actually, and Piggy reminds me very much of the very poverty stricken souls of India we have been discussing, and the train is the lack of government response. I think that allegory could be used in many ways. I'm glad you introduced me to it! Wow!
It is over the net?? Never knew it was that famous! lolzz
I googled up "Remember remember the 5th of november" after watching "V for Vendetta" and hummed it for days.
Some of these just catch your lips.
Have you heard the song 'Tree Hugger' from the movie 'Juno'. You'll louuuvvvvhhhhh the song. Trust me!
Aniket, funny you should say that because just before landing in Delhi on November 6th, just in time for Diwali, I was in London watching the massive fireworks displays for Guy Faux day (5th of November). How weird that you would bring that up! Just after that I was in Thailand for New Years and watching fireworks there. I basically circled the globe and saw fireworks everywhere I went. Kind of enlightening, LOL!
Excellent, Cat!
Colliding galaxies - a very fitting image. :-)
Vesper, You KNOW how I love that astronomy stuff. And I know you do too :-)
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