Thursday, March 26, 2009

Image Prompt: Dancing

Dear friends,
It seems we had so much fun last week with the image prompt that I have decided to make it a regular weekly feature on my blog. I will post the image toward the end of the week (since I am INFP I am not allowed to actually 'schedule' it, so I will just give you an approximate time), and you will submit your entries which I will post toward the end of the weekend. Once I have posted it, I will not post any latecomers, but you may still post entries in the comment section if you so desire.

Here in North Carolina everybody is always doing some kind of dancing. Down at my local community center, they have a weekly Contradance with live music and it is a very happening event. Hundreds of folks of all ages show up every single week! And this is only one of many dancing events happening all over the county every week. This very Saturday I'm going to a Zen Trance Dance.

But to the task at hand, here is the prompt, have fun, be frenzied folks, this is DANCING we're talking about!! Send to me at to add the element of surprise. I will accept until Sunday March 29th at 12:00 noon. (See Aine, it is possible to schedule something after all!)


Sarah Hina said...

I like this new weekly feature, Cat! And what an inspired prompt. :)

I'm going to think about this one some more, but I can already feel the music in my feet...

(Have fun on Saturday!! I hope the trance lasts aaaaall night long. ;))

jaz said...

Okay so I am totally impressed--At the only community center I've ever been too, the most exciting thing happening was elderly people exercising in a chair. :)

Have a great time!!!

The picture is great. But I don't know if I can do fun and frenzied. I'm more hello, someone is being oppressed somewhere-ish. ;)

(Thanks for commenting this it okay to say I miss you even though I'm happy for you???)

Catherine Vibert said...

Sarah-I can't wait to see what you do!

Jen-Ah come on, give it a whirl. You can probably find some way to tie dance and oppression together anyway if you try hard enough! :-)

Aine said...

LOL! You know I'm just teasing... It's all about energy-- P's can certainly schedule when motivated. But, I'll bet you don't get excited (like I do) about planning the day, creating lists, organizing your closet by color or the grocery coupons by aisle order... right?? :)

Anyway-- I can't wait to read everyone's entries! Dancing is such a wonderful expression of life. It's dear to my heart. :)

Aniket Thakkar said...

Hurray for the new weekly feature.

I wanted to be the first to write my entry. But ever since I saw the pic only one song is going over my head again and again, and i can't think of anything else. Frank Sinatra can have that effect on you, so I'll hum myself to sleep and will definitely drop my entry tomm. morning. Till then sing along...

"I won't dance, don't ask me...
I won't dance, don't ask me...
I won't dance madam with you.
My heart won't let my feet do things that they should do..."

Catherine Vibert said...

Aine-Um, no. That is a teeny weeny over the top in the scheduling department there. ;-)

Aniket-:-) Aw... Can't wait to see the words that take the place of those!

Aniket Thakkar said...

Okay, you might get a bit disappointed, coz I know you were pretty psyched. This is no work of art... but its what came on the mind when thinking of you. (coz when you happy and you know it, then you're face will surely show it, so when you happy and you know it, say cha-cha-cha :-) :-) )

A twist and a turn and a flip of the toes
A spark of her touch and my heart, it glows
Her hips took a loop
Heart jumped through a hoop
Trip...clash,heart beats...eyes flash, when you feel it... it shows.

Catherine Vibert said...

Aniket I love it!

Catherine Vibert said...

By the way Aniket, thanks for getting the ball rolling, you're the first one to submit!

jaz said...

Cat, I just EMAILED you my poem. You know, as you REQUESTED. ;)

(Just had to tease Aniket about something since he had a rather interesing discussion on my blog while I lay sleeping. :) )

Catherine Vibert said...

Well I wasn't going to mention THAT to Aniket but since you did... :-)

Aniket Thakkar said...

Jennifer, at least I didn't write anything about you (good or bad) on your blog today. huh.

And Catherine, this isn't a competition right? So can we send multiple entries? :-)

jaz said...

Aniket, I didn't write anything good or bad about your on your blog either.

It was Cat's. :)

P.S. I like your poem and I'm glad we got to see it early.

Aniket Thakkar said...

Yeah, lets make it a common battleground shall we?? :-)

And now, you're just shooting a covering fire by saying you like it.... :-) :-)

Catherine Vibert said...

Aniket- Of course!

jaz said...

Yes, I am sure Cat would love it if we coopted her blog to settle our vendetta. :)

I really did like the poem but you won't believe me under "the circumstances" so you'll just have to submit another, possibly by email, and I will comment on that one at the appropriate time. :)

Aniket Thakkar said...

Oh why would I submit by email. I like being in center stage. So i'll post in a comment. :-)

And last time, Sarah stole my thunder by writing her Smash-Hit Haiku huh. So I'll post one of every kind this time,,... mwuhahaha!!

Karen said...

Right now, I'm workweek worn, butI'm interested in seeing what others produce. Who knows? Maybe I'll regenerate.

Catherine Vibert said...

Oh you guys are just having way too much fun dancing on my blog here!

Catherine Vibert said...

Karen-You know I hope you will!

Aniket Thakkar said...

Moonlight, fate knocks,
Shy smiles emote,
They dance lip-locked.

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