Thanks everyone for your wonderful creations!
Not alone anymore,
Winter bids goodbye,
Springtime of youth.
Life is a secret
no longer, now that you have
found its true essence.
The three muses dance
when your eyes are turned away
twists and turns for you
--Sarah Hina
light passes over
cyclic slide north of center
making all things new
--Qualcosa di Bello
Lines From Underground Streams
I stood
On your decimated ground
And touched
The twisted plants
Where your rivers of lava
As she drew her pain
emerged in jagged lines
roughly stabbing ‘round
into the naked air
and so the ground lay bruised
and bled its deep torment
beneath a winter sky
which wailed a slow lament
a keening, barren wind
forgetful of the dawn
They danced in
rings of apostasy
until their breath bled
and cut through crust
and mantle and core.
The earth sponged up
a sea of crimson truth,
stain set,
and granted a
weary asylum
in a barren valley
once called Kalam.
All things being equal,
I'll take the spring,
leaving you the barren branches
and the melting into mud.
I'll take the verdant mountains
and the fleece of clouds above
and leave you with a winter
for your cold and wanting love.
Sunset falls on the last day of winter’s calling
The blue belly of the earth rumbles
Calling the blood of Spring forth
To feed the hungry roots of trees.
Naked and decimated, yes
But as surely as night becomes day
They will feed again,
They will breathe with their lungs
And they will dance with their verdant tresses flowing.
Like a whirling dervish twirls,
They will dance again and again
In the circle of life's turning.
--Moi, your host.
And one final entry from my very own mother. It gave me a hearty laugh and she has allowed me to post it:
To the right the creeping, insidious, vegetative attack.
Beware oh leafless ones.
Our time has returned. If you don't re-leaf we will cut you down and burn you in a great May Day celebration! --Ruth Sander
Thanks Mom! You know I love you much much much.
See, See Rider
See what you have done
goes the song, and me here too,
see what you have gone
and done, riding down
the lane of love headed out
of this old town for true songs
in the wilderness.
We have heard your call.
So have we saddled up, those
who can. We write, write.
Loved the line.
"Calling the blood of Spring forth
To feed the hungry roots of trees"
Sort of resurrecting 'Count Dracula Vlad Tepes' :-D :-D
And I love the first Haiku too... the guy who wrote it must be a genius and to understand it must take a double genius. Who wrote it... Oh wait-for-it its me!!! lol
Thanks a lot Catherine! I hereby pardon you for the cyber pinch you gave me... lol.
PS: Needless to say Loved every other piece too...
See that's why Jason gets so many contestants... we all never need someone to ask twice to write something. :-D We heartily oblige! :)
I might have tried a little harder, if I had known you would be giving us all such a platform! :P
Thank you, Cat, for putting these altogether. I loved all the unique interpretations of your beautiful painting. All in all, a pretty talented bunch. ;)
Cat - You are inspired and inspiring. I love your blog! Thanks!
Glad to have found your blog. Stop by mine for a look. I am heading to Asheville this summer. What is good to see, do, and eat? I always go to East Tennessee for a week to visit family and try to see something new each year.
I really like Jason's poem; its style suits me, if not your painting (which I like as well).
heyyy, thats beautiful!! if you are not competing than i wud vote for Rachel and Jenni :) every single work is worth the time spent. luvd them all!!
Hi everyone, before I comment to you individually, let me tell you that there is a new entry after mine on the post. Tee hee! :-)
Hahahhahaaha!!!! Your mom beats everyone hands down!
If that doesn't bring the spring... dunno what will! :-D
I vote for Cat's mom!! :)
Very very interesting Cat. Excellent painting.
Sorry I'm coming to the party late, Cat. Poke Salit Annie lives on Tulsa Time and can't keep up:)
But I have to chime in and say...beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! All of these poems are awesome and complement your wonderful painting very well. Okay, how many more adjectives can I think of? Spectacular. Excellent.
Y'all rock my world.
I love your mom's poem, too. Now I see where you get your creativity. Thanks so much for this great read. Happy painting! I hope you'll share some more with us as soon as you can.
Oh, your painting is just beautiful, Cat!
So, as we say in the South, that apple didn't fall far from the tree, which by the way, is in full leaf! LOL
Christopher, I love this. And nothing inspires better writing then love and the wilderness, so let's keep up this passionate affair with words and never abandon them.
Aniket-Whew, thank you for the pardon. I was afraid you were going to rescind your offer to come visit you in Pune sometime for fear of my pincers on your cheeks. I promise that if we ever do get the chance to meet, I won't make it hurt. What a brutal practice, huh? In the name of cuteness, we hurt our little ones. Silly people, the hurting cheek pinchers. I'm so glad you submitted this, and I hope to elicit more from you in the near future.
Sarah-I love your Haiku!
Karen-See below.
Lorenzo-I'm glad to tell you all about Asheville! Welcome to my blog and I will come over to your place very soon. Thanks for your words!
JR- Jason does have a way with words. I like his poem too, for many reasons, one of which was that I did actually think at one point during the painting that the mountain looked like it was a volcano, Jason caught that thought with his words!
Sawan- I agree, both of those poems are outstanding and evocative. I love them both. I can't wait to see what you will post on your blog!
Julie-Thanks! Next time I hope you'll see it sooner because you KNOW I want to see what you come up with. I think this will become a regular feature of my blog because it was really really fun and interesting to see people's interpretations.
AC- Thanks! I hope to get one of your lines on one of these some time. Love to see what you would write.
Calli-Coming from you that is a true compliment. Thank you!
Karen- It is true, my mother is more creative than you can know. Writing is not usually her mode of creativity. She usually makes beautiful quilts and wall hangings and sews wonderful clothing, but not writing. Therefore, I am particularly thrilled to have her participate here.
Mom- You rock!
PS. Jennifer and Aniket-Yeah, mom wins, hands down.
Know what you are the only lady who has been so nice to me today. Jennifer and Aine are just bashing me all day. Sob, Sob.
hey what is this!so many poems to comment on ..so little space..so many poets...
haikus are so short that i find it so tought to comment on themm..but this is clear..i loved it..i fear that the rest of comments are going to be the reiteration of the same..gosh!
this my own copyright protected quote (lol)"your talent is hidden from the world until it is hidden from you"(if u disagree..pls reply..lol)
kindof dint get it ..like 'bullzeye' but yeah ...i understand it...the fact that it is written so well..i like it too..
hmm..think think think narendra(soliloquy)...my understanding is limited..sorry dint get it..*sobs*
hey really great ...the rivers of lava is a great picture
yeah another great picture now!thanks:)
i get it srtaight away...the crimson truth...huh!!great..
hmm why?lol..but i understand the depth of emotions in "and leave you with a winter
for your cold and wanting love."
forgive me..i have to say this..i dint follow...mummmy!!:( :( forgive me please
@the last poem
love and emotions..truth and life..ground together..Mothers are so great...i love my mom's poems too...they are not english tough!!so..ma'm(to this mother..i mean author) i am terribly impressed by 're-leaf'
intelligent guys got it...yeah??please quiclky visit my blog too and bless my poor little poetry..
love and light
the summer heat parched the clay
God on a prosaic mind!
barren land and dry wood
awaiting the drizzle of life!
sky darkened above the hills
mist engulfed the glade
clouds appeared as angels
draped in those sensuous dishabille!
dark and dreary, envisioning rain
the forest stood aspiring life!
nature's subtle way of explaining
dark could signify life!
ive posted it in my page as well. hope you wouldn mind.
Narendra- Thanks!
Sawan-I am very honored by your poem, I thank you so much for posting it on your site! :-)
the honor was mine to be allowed to use that beautiful painting :) u take care Catherine. have fun.
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