Those of you who have followed my blog for a while know that sometimes I just have to stop everything and paint. Last week my body was hurting so bad that I started thinking of my computing habits as akin to a heroin addiction. My therapy is painting. Today, in honor of the vernal equinox, I offer you this most recent painting as an image prompt, and request of you a few lines from your creative coffers. Have at it folks, and Happy Joyeous Spring Tidings!
I stood
On your decimated ground
And touched
The twisted plants
Where your rivers of lava
As she drew her pain
emerged in jagged lines
roughly stabbing ‘round
into the naked air
and so the ground lay bruised
and bled its deep torment
beneath a winter sky
which wailed a slow lament
a keening, barren wind
forgetful of the dawn
They danced in
rings of apostasy
until their breath bled
and cut through crust
and mantle and core.
The earth sponged up
a sea of crimson truth,
stain set,
and granted a
weary asylum
in a barren valley
once called Kalam.
All I can say is, I am blown away by your beautiful painting Cat. Wow, such talent.
Happy Spring dear friend, G
Okay, I wrote that, got a phone call and while talking away decided I should just post it so I wouldn't accidently delete it (astonished to find no readily apparent typos because I can't seem to type anything properly today) BUT what I didn't get a chance to say then is that the painting is beautiful, you are an amazing artist (all around) and I hope that you are feeling better.
And I also hope that you will grace us with a few lines about the painting from your own creative coffers! :)
Not alone anymore,
Winter bids goodbye,
Springtime of youth.
I can't believe I just did that.
My first attempt at haiku. Now that its dedicated to you... you better like it. :)
Loved the painting and your handwriting is sooo good! I saw it at the bottom where you signed. My letters seem like crawling ants when I write,
Life is a secret
no longer, now that you have
found its true essence.
All things being equal,
I'll take the spring,
leaving you the barren branches
and the melting into mud.
I'll take the verdant mountains
and the fleece of clouds above
and leave you with a winter
for your cold and wanting love.
The three muses dance
when your eyes are turned away
twists and turns for you
Okay, so it's late, and my haiku brain is weary. ;) But I do love your painting!! There's a beautiful starkness about it. And I'm glad your week has been restorative for you, Cat. I'm always happy to see your new creations.
(That said, it's good to see a post from you, too. :))
Vivid! Like the sky is kissing
the mountains.
thats a luvly pic catherine.
i wud definitely write something on it.
do u mind if i post it in ma blog? the credits for the pic would definitely be given to ya with a link.
Jason- Oh, I really had to bite my fingers to keep from responding immediately after you posted this. These words really touch that inner landscape of mine in ways that you could not possibly know. Great!
Rachel- Ah, such a melancholy poem, I love the imagery of the bruised ground. This one longs to be put to music! Which gives me an idea...more later. :-) Thanks!
Jennifer-Wow, I had to look up apostasy and Kalam, and doing so leaves me really wanting you to interpret your meaning in this poem. It is evocative of a loss of faith, or a questioning of faith. And girl, you can poe! I'm so glad I asked you to do this because now I get to see a whole new side of you!
Aniket- I LOVE your Haiku, thank you! Yes, winter bids goodbye, with one final burst of it's fury! But that it bids goodbye, Springtime of Youth. Wow, that's profound, like a coming of age.
My handwriting totally sucks, you should consider yourself so lucky not to have to actually read it. I can't even read it. That's why I have to be on the computer all the time! :-)
Geraldine- :-) Thank you!
Christopher- Ho!
Karen- Nice imagery of conflicted relationship! I love the way you used the title in the poem, and since it's all equal anyway, stiff the poor guy! :-) Gave me a wonderful cynical giggle. And you really need to start believing in your poetry abilities, you have a fine honed talent my friend.
Sarah- You recognized my ladies! I often feel just like that. I look away and they are whirling and twirling, I turn back and they freeze in place, snickering a giggle which they think I can't hear. :-) The Three Graces.
Cynthia-Thank you! :-)
Sawan- Sure ! It would be my great honor if you would!
Sunset falls on the last day of winter’s calling
The blue belly of the earth rumbles
Calling the blood of Spring forth
To feed the hungry roots of trees.
Naked and decimated, yes
But as surely as night becomes day
They will feed again,
They will breathe with their lungs
And they will dance with their verdant tresses flowing.
Like a whirling dervish twirls,
They will dance again and again
In the circle of life's turning.
Everyone -I forgot to ask you all if you wouldn't mind if I publish these on the face of my blog?
Beautiful, Cat. Your words are full of hope and rebirth. And I hope you will forgive me for looking at your painting and seeing Swat, where the Kalam Valley lies at the top of the eponymous river, and imagining what the earth has witnessed there and what, if it could, it might do to fertile soil to stop the madness.
Cat, I love the perpetual energy and motion in yours. Phoenix plants. :)
And sure, I don't mind...there are some fine contributions here!
Ohhhh Jennifer- That is good. I don't mind at all! I'm thrilled in fact, that it inspired you to think of that. Mind if I post it up?
Sarah-It's that get down and boogie kind of feeling that gets me all happy about Spring. ;-)
LOL Jennifer! :-D
Aw- Now no one knows but me what you just said Jennifer. Mwuhahahahaha, POWER! :-)
Did you delete that?? Did I??
Where is my comment??
Yes, you can post it, but as I SAID, only if Aniket doesn't bug me about not being "happy." :)
(Is he here? Did he delete it?? ;) )
It self deleted. How weird. Cyberdemons wreaking havoc again!
What a wonderful flow of thoughts and interpretations! Cat, we are your spawn, hahaha-- go ahead and post mine wherever you like. Hugs, Rachel
Spawn of Catvibe. Has a nice ring! LOL! Thanks Rachel!
I can see those whirling dervishes -- such energy in this
You have energized us all with your picture and your challenge and the fun!
You may post mine, if you wish!
Cat, of course you can post.
Karen and Christopher, cool, thank you! Now we just need a couple of more permissions and I can instigate my master plan. Heh heh.
Cat - There's an award for you at my place.
Thanks Karen!! I gotta do some awards catching up and soon!
cat, i am so sorry i missed this! (my internet fast has borne fruit but i miss my buddies)
but...i still offer a bit of something to celebrate spring~~~
light passes over
cyclic slide north of center
making all things new
Dear Cat - Sorry I didn't get here in time to respond...I was out last night at a poetry reading until late - and it is my daughter's birthday today, so have been with family all day. This was really a great idea. Your painting is just - well - creatively excellent. Everyone's responses are so amazing! Your lines are brilliant. Kudos all around!
QDB- Not too late! I posted them, thank you!
Hi K! Feel free to post some lines, it is not too late at all! And thanks for your words on the painting. :-) And Happy Birthday to your daughter!
Wow! This painting is absolutely beautiful, Cat! This is definitely an inspiration. Your many talents are so awesome, and I'm so happy you share them here with us.
Julie- Thank you! :-) Next time you gotta get here early enough to submit. I think I'll do these on Fridays.
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