Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Forest Walk

With steps of a bear
I enter
Arboreal gates open
I walk, honored
By mycelium carpets
Laid under my feet

You breathe in my darkness
Through fallen leaves and branches
I rise upon your breath
And emerge
On the wings of a bird


Note on the painting: I have been trying out different techniques to mask out the trees while I paint the background. On the last painting, I used tape, whereas in this painting I used masking fluid. The result is different, and I'm not yet sure which effect I like better.


Noelle Dunn.... A Poet in Progress said...

with steps of a bear I enter...I like that, it sound so strong. Your paintings are beautiful and both techniques are lovely.

jaz said...

Cat this is one of my favorite poems of yours. Like the ending, it feels light on me, like a feather dancing over the skin. Very nice to read.

I am no artist so I can't explain why but even though both paintings are beautiful, I think I like this one a little better. But keep in mind I'm talking about a miniscule amount of preference--they are both lovely.

Scattered Thoughts... said...

First time on your blog.. and really liked it.. On the paintings, though I am the last person on this earth to comment such artistic things but I liked the previous one better.. Like I said, I don't have any artistic sense or knowledge of technical aspects of the same but that looked better to my eyes :)

Linda S. Socha said...

I LOVE THIS! The painting the poem and the way you have put it together speak to me and there is a feeling of gentle anticipation..

I have always connected with trees. I love the purple violet haze. I think I like the second painting best but truthfully I like them both

Anonymous said...

A potent description of how the spark of desire can make the treasured parts of ourselves rise and dare to peek out into the sunlight.

Catherine Vibert said...

Elle- Thank you! :-)

Jennifer- I figured it would be good to balance out the heaviness of the new serial piece with something that was uplifting. My walks in the forest do this for me....

Scattered Thoughts-Hello and welcome to my blog. I went over to yours and enjoyed it very much. I absolutely love getting an India perspective.

Linda-Thank you! I love trees too, they speak to me and I get the sense that they are sentient. I guess that's probably why I'm drawn to paint them, photograph them, and write poetry about them.

Jason-What a wonderful observation! Thank you for that.

Sarah Hina said...

As far as the painting goes, I like the previous one slightly better. I feel like you can almost see the bones of the trees in that one. Something very pure about them. But both are beautiful. I love that you're stretching your technique!! :)

And the poem is one of my favorites of yours, Cat. Something massive, yet light about it. Entering alone, engaging with another, being transformed. Yeah, that works for me. ;)

Catherine Vibert said...

Hi Sarah! I think I'm leaning in that direction as well in regards to the painting. But it is so interesting to hear people's opinions. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder, it is lovely to see people's different preferences.

Thanks for your delightful comments on the poem! :-)

- A - C - said...

Frankly I could never think of you entering with steps of a bear.... wings of a bird are much more appropriate :-)

Which effect is better? oh.. Cat.. send both paintings over and I will tell you which one is nicer.
I'll hang them on the wall for some years, noting down all the subtle variations in my mood. It'll be a long process but, you know, I'm very scrupulous ;-)

Khaled KEM said...

I did not that you paint that wonderfully..sorry for my ignorance of that talent you have...

Very strong and deep words..I like when words make me think and colors make me dance.

PS the funny thing is I will have a post about something related to bear..

Khaled KEM said...

Sorry Cat there is a 4th word missing "Know"...

Catherine Vibert said...

AC, your words lift me up on wings of a butterfly! I do have those bear qualities, at times, I hate to admit it. Send me your address in an email...

Khaled, Thank you for such kind words! I don't know if I live up to them, but it is wonderful to hear them. I do post my artwork from time to time, but only recently started posting things I've painted lately, so you could not have known about this little passion of mine. :-) I can't wait to read your bear post!

Geraldine said...

Oh how beautiful Catherine. Such talent. I LOVE your painting, I really, really do. Perfect with your evocative words. Bravo!

JR's Thumbprints said...

I like the bleed on your previous painting better. Don't ask me why--I just do. Still, I wish I had more time to create, instead of my usual chore list.

Gledwood said...

I wish I could paint atmospherically like that... that's lovely and the poem ain't bad either!!

Gledwood said...

Thing is ~ I feel I have SOME mastery over words ~ but over paints and pencils I have absolutely none!

K.Lawson Gilbert said...

Cat - I am partial to this version of the painting. Both are done exceedingly well, but, I think this one has the stronger composition and I like the variance of color - especially the purple in the sky...whoa! The blending is more sutble, but the lines are stronger. Beautiful, Cat!

The poem is one of your best in my humble opinion. It is imbued with rich imagery, laced with artistry.

Catherine Vibert said...

Geraldine, :-) Thank you!

JR, I like it too, we called it blooming in watercolor class. You would call it bleed now wouldn't you. ;-)

Gledwood, it might be possible! Give it a try! I only started playing with watercolors a few months ago. It's very cathartic.

K. Thank you on both counts! Your words about the poem are especially music to my ears coming from you.

Karen said...

Beautiful, Cat! The painting complements the poem so well, and I think I prefer this painting to the previous one, but only because this one feels softer somehow.

I was going to quote some lines I like, but I realized I'd have to quote the whole poem. Very strong poetry!

Catherine Vibert said...

Karen, thank you! :-)

Judith Ellis said...

Ah, Cat, so wonderful, embraceable, beautiful, the painting of colors and words. Thank you, wholly.

Catherine Vibert said...

Judith, Why thank you!

Anil Sawan said...

I guess this one looks more natural.. This one looks darker, rough, and has a tint of burned effect.. looks more natural.. shows survival.

Catherine Vibert said...

Sawan-Shows survival...I like that, thanks!

Happy Easter, Pappy

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