I just wanted to post an update for the current assignment (see previous post). At this moment (Saturday morning), I have received four entries. None of the entries has been an audio entry, so I want to give a poke to you audio enabled folks. Poke.
Ok, so if you're totally stumped and not in a bad mood at all and therefore can find no inspiration for gloomy things such as irony and doubt, please feel free to write something that absolutely defines Spring's glory.
For additional prompting ideas, think: Regeneration and Renewal. Think Eostre before it morphed into Easter. Think Easter and Passover, and where the heck did that bunny come from anyway? Go crazy folks!
And because I love you all and have realized this will be a holiday extravaganza, I'm extending the deadline to Monday night at midnight. I will post the result on Friday April 10th.
In regards to the photo above, that is the field across the street from whence I get the inspiration for most of my paintings. I often opt to leave out the human structures when I paint, but if you go back to this post I left a few in for good measure. The peacocks live just beyond the trees there.
You are AMAZING! When we get back home, I'm vowing to spend more time at your site(s)...
Thank you, for sharing and promulgating your artistics which, as we know (if you include music -grin!) lift us humans from out of the depths, to a plane above, a place above. For after all, is that not the 'mission' of the artist?
And what more appropriate time than Easter season, when crocus bloom, and tulips grow, and birds sing, and trees bud, and all the world is born anew, and the Risen Lord of all blesses all that He has made, again, and again!
Thank you SO much for sharing your many talents!
You don't give up, do you?
Now I need to write another poem, sigh.
Cool pic by the way. Nice view indeed.
Cat, my email has been screwed up-I just saw your email, but now I can't log back in to reply. Will do so as soon as I can!
Cat - everytime I get under the covers I fall asleep... ;)
We are still cold and snowy up here, ya know!! Your prompt pictures are breath-taking - but, I am having a little trouble feeling spring!
I wrote two - but now I don't like either one. Hopefully, it will come together.
I'm working on something which I'd like to share... but no audio file! Ha! I shall claim to have laryngitis if necessary. ;)
Steve E- Aw shucks Steveroni! Thanks for all the glorious praise! And yes, Spring is the best time of all.
Aniket-Only if you want to, you've already done your duty, and beautifully, I might add!
Jennifer-I'm on pins and needles, don't keep me waiting forever just because of a little bitty internet problem. ;-) When you can...meanwhile I hope you'll get busy and make me a poem! (If you want, cos I wouldn't force you or anything).
K. I'm so glad you're working on it! I'm sure the finished poem will be amazing once you have done your K. magic to it.
Rachel- A gorgeous poem! Thank you so much for submitting it!
Oh yes, i want to. :-)
Was just teasing you.
PS: I have a tough task for you too, on my blog. Do check it out.
Cat, things are NUTS around here. NUTS. My mother in law is coming on Sunday and I have packed in way too much stuff this week so I don't think I am going to be able to submit anything. :( But I cannot wait to see the result. Comcast is back up, am about to email you anyway!
Jennifer-Oh alright, I excuse you from class this time only. Unless you are blinded by inspiration and simply cannot refuse the muse, in which case I know I will jump up and down for joy of jivin' with Jen.
Cat, I'm trying. I really am. The block continues, and the weekend was packed with activities (zoo trip, anyone? :)).
I will get something to you. It just might suck.
(and apparently I need an infusion of confidence ;))
Sarah, I am sending you a rose petaled infusion of confidence! Nothing from you could possibly suck by the way. :-)
Sarah is just being such, so we say all goody mushy things about her,.. don't you Sarah? :-) ;-)
What you'll write with 10 drinks down would still be better than what we write... I mean I write.
(Catherine can take you on at poetry. She is pretty good too :P)
Beautiful pictures, and I love your prompt ideas. Will you be posting your own, too? If so, I'd love to hear it. You have a beautiful voice!
Julie, yes! I wish you'd submit something. It would do me proud to read your work.
Okay, Cat! I'm sending a little ditty about my findings at the Cherry Blossom Festival in D.C.
Uh, what Spring?
Thanks Karen!
Apologies to all. My submission sucks. :-(
Oh Karen of course it is not sucking. I think you will like it when you hear it!
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