Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thank you to the Blog-Unity

Dear Readers,

I am very much in gratitude for your eyes, and for your comments, and for your blog postings. It is an odd friendship we all share here in the Blog-Unity. Known by words only, and yet with so much depth as all the writers here know how much you have let your heart flow into your posts. I am honored to be a part of such a great community. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

With love,


Rick said...

Hello Cat! Just found your site and wish you Thanksgiving as well. Interesting postings you have here and nice Cat photos.

By the way, what is the Blog-Unity? It sounds a lot like the Borg from Star Trek. Seriously, is it an association?

Catherine Vibert said...

You would think that, you great writer of fantasy, you. We who are of the Blog-Unity accept you into the anomaly of the time-space continuum that is cyberspace, resistance is futile. The only association dues are guilt, as in guilt by association. ;-) I am loving your dragon story, and am honored to have your visit.

Rick said...

Well I'm honored to be here. And since both resistance is futile and guilt by association is the only dues, I'm honored to be a member, too!

Now, we have to plot to take over some other species and incorporate them into our being, don't we? Although it does sound just a tad unappetizing.

Catherine Vibert said...

I nominate cats. Any cyber community is incomplete without a continuum of cats floating by.

mom's friend said...

Hi Cat, hope you and your dad enjoy your first Thanksgiving in your new home on the other side of this nation. Your mom and I will be celebrating our 6 days days being the same age-you know what it is-next week. Can't believe the number! And a pat on the head for the cat with the most incredible look on its face which you captured so nicely.

- A - C - said...

Hehe.. Cat.. if blog-unity can be compared to an odd friendship, you should try to meet some of your fellow bloggers. It's fun!

All the best to you and your family

Judith Ellis said...

Cat - Communal spaces of all kind must not be thought of in diminishing terms, for it in community that we discover being. I am happy to be a member of this community and thankful for the many beautiful posts which help to shape our thoughts ever so steadily. Happy Thanksgiving, Cat, to you and yours.

Catherine Vibert said...

Mom's friend, Happy Birthday to you! We did have a lovely Thanksgiving with friends, although I missed my family very much. I hope yours was wonderful.

AC, Wouldn't that be fun! I think we should have a Blog-unity retreat!

Judith, I am just loving it. There are so many persons out there behind the blogs that I am really enjoy engaging with in addition to being inspired by their heartfelt posts. Considering my rural location, an amazing component of my desire to socialize is being met within this blog-unity. I didn't expect that a couple of months ago, so what a wonderful surprise, eh? In addition, it gives me a great deal of inspiration to keep up my writing and photography pursuits. Being a part of a community means continually bringing one's part to the table, I love how that kind of commitment makes us grow as artists.

Judith Ellis said...

...and people too.

Catherine Vibert said...

And people too! Indeed!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Catvibe! I'd like to add you as a link and build that community even more.

Catherine Vibert said...

Jason, Absolutely! Thanks for putting me in the Heat Lightening group. I love that.

Happy Easter, Pappy

It’s been seven years since you died on Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day and Easter were your favorite holidays. Being in the garden with your fam...