In a shaft of light
An angel rose before me,
The Lady Slipper
An angel rose before me,
The Lady Slipper
Hi everyone. I've been out in the garden where I am finding great healing for my body. All that digging and shoveling seems to be just the perfect antidote for overuse of computer. I'm deeply regretful that I haven't been able to get around to everyone's blogs lately. I think I might have to invent some kind of implant so I can see your blogs whenever I want to from inside my head..., uh, no.... Even if that were the case, I'd still be too busy to read. That garden, you know? This is a CRAZY busy time of year OUT THERE. Anyway, please don't take it personally, you KNOW I love you.
I stopped laboring long enough to go for a walk in the forest with my camera the other day, on a wildflower hunt. You can't imagine my joy when I found this beauty, and her friends.
Your 5-7-5 haiku descriptions are welcome in the comment section. Have fun!
I stopped laboring long enough to go for a walk in the forest with my camera the other day, on a wildflower hunt. You can't imagine my joy when I found this beauty, and her friends.
Your 5-7-5 haiku descriptions are welcome in the comment section. Have fun!
This is a beautiful photo! I'm glad you're able to get outside to shrug off work and breathe in the spring!
Here's mine:
pregnant with the spring
natural expectations
birthing god's surprise
Karen! Great way to start, doesn't she look like that?
Yes, and I neglected to say how wonderful I think your haiku is. Mea culpa. It is perfect.
that IS a beauty!
Under swamp willows
rare treasures with pouches pinnk
botanist's delight
In the slipper's cup
faeries make their secret home
guardians of the wild
Okay, I'll stop now! :)
Oops, how did my pink sprout so many nns?? ;)
One of the most beautiful pics that you've put up so far!
And loved you Haiku too. :P
Here's mine:
All prayers answered
Spreading Happiness Around
An angel in Pink
Spectacular photo an haiku, Cat!
Here is mine:
pink cannon launches
the fragile garden beauty;
spring time explosion
Karen, thanks!
Shadow, thanks! Nice to see you!
Rachel, beautiful, both of them. I think I like the second one for the faerie, I've always loved faeries. I almost used the word faerie instead of angel in my haiku. :-)
Aniket-She is magical isn't she?
Blue Sugar, Hi! Pink cannon, I like that! And thank god for the explosion, I am so ready to be shot with all that color.
cat, i'm not writing a haiku for your pink angel (who by the way looks like a sad l'il doggy forced into a pink sweater. did it grow up in a wolf pack??)
this is what i wrote instead.
Cat typed so much poems and prose
That her fingers just sort of froze
So she decided to have a shot
At learning to garden with her toes
Yes, little girl, I think you see the other face! I was wondering if anyone would notice it. It could look like a chest, or it could be a face (or doggie face if you like) wrapped in a pink shawl.
My fingers are doing a whole lot better since working in the garden, but they still tingle. I probably would garden with my toes if that was the only way. :-)
Every spring I go a-hunting the Lady Slippers that grow in the shadowy damp places around here, those and the trillium, bloodroot, dogtooth violet, jack-in-the-pulpit, snowdrops, dutchman's britches...and on and on. The Lady Slipper has to be among my very favorites. It's like finding a rare jewel when you spy one. Thanks, Cat.
A lady's slipper
like a jewel shining bright
caught in the dark mire
Hi, Cat! Now you know we love you. And I AIN'T just saying that. So, you take all the time you need, and we'll be here when you can return.
I love your haiku and the photo! I love the ones everyone has posted, too. As usual, I can't think of one now, but I am inspired. You always do that to me:) You just made me think of writing a poem about my husband. His green thumb is incredible.
I'm always impressed with how multi-talented you are. Gardening is a creative talent, too. I only do the fool-proof things that a three-year-old could grow. Even then, I manage to kill half of what I plant. I can only imagine how much you have to do!
Take care and have fun. We'll see you when you come back inside!
Cat! I'm so glad you took that walk in the forest and snapped this fabulous photo. It looks amazing. And a wonderful haiku to go with it.
This is what I saw:
Sweetness on spring days
draped in a mantle of pink
bid thee "Good Morning"
oblong petal pink
cupping sun, exhaling scent
Spring's dancing slipper
Lovely photo Cat! Happy gardening!
Good Heavens, what a gorgeous
Lady Slipper, her flesh looks
so fragile. Very good haiku!
How did I let all these go by without commenting! K, Margaret and Minister, these haikus are wonderful!
Cynthia and Julie, :-)
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