Tuesday afternoon-
Baker Street, Boston.
“It’s been such a long time, maybe I’m amazed! You are so beautiful. I can’t get enough of your love!”
“I wish.”
“What’s going on? Who are you?”
“I’m a psycho killer, que’ce que c’est? A killer queen. Tonight’s the night.”
“Oye como va, peligro!”
“Right, you’re bloody well right.”
“How long to the point of no return?”
“25 or 6 to 4:00.”
“Who, who, who, who?”
“Aqualung, my friend. A horse with no name.”
“Rebel rebel!”
“I think I should be going. Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir?”
“Hey, hey, my my…”
“I’ve got to fly like an eagle. Life in the fast lane! You ain’t seen nothing yet.”
Macarthur’s Park is melting in the dark. Sitting on a park bench…
“Aqualung, don’t you see it’s only me? Walk this way.”
“Back stabber!”
“Are you reeling in the years, le freak, you’re just another brick in the wall.”
“I don’t want to die!”
“Now it’s all over Danny Bailey, the harvest is in. You don’t have to live like a refugee.”
(bang bang, shoot shoot)
Way down the street there’s a light in his place, you open the door, he asks you where you’ve been, you tell him who you’ve seen and…
“God save the queen! Tell me something good!”
“Smiling faces tell lies. Help me! I think I’m falling.”
“What a fool believes!”
“One way or another…”
“Why do we never get an answer when we’re walking out the door?”
“Because the truth is hard to swallow. This is the end my only friend, the end.”
(bang bang, shoot shoot)
"One is the loneliest number, I can't live if living is without you...happiness is a warm gun."
(bang bang, shoot shoot)
(the sound of silence)
One word: amazing!!
:-) Thanks Karen! I couldn't see any future for them so I had to kill them off. It was a blast. (yuk yuk)
Hi!! I haven't been able to blog much lately, and I still have a draft of an email response to you in my draft file... :P I'll explain how the powers that be have been preventing me from much computer time...
Anyway-- I will come back to read this series soon. It looks fun!! Tying together lyrics to tell a story is cool! I did something similar in a letter to Jason during our first summer (we were apart-- each home for summer break). I took lines from every letter he had written to me to create a letter to him-- used his own words to tell him how I loved him. (Must be an Idealist thing... )
"Now he's gone I don't know why
And till this day some times I cry
He didn't even say goodbye
He didn't take the time to lie
Bang bang
He shot me down, bang bang
I hit the ground , bang bang
That awful sound, bang bang
My baby shot me down."
Loved the series!!!
And its been forever since I listened to "One is the loneliest number..."
I'll hunt that track down now...
Thank you so much for reminding. :D
Aine! You're alive (and not buried under a pile of field trips and anniversaries for a split second)! Sadly now I've spilled the wine and you probably saw the end before the beginning. Oh well, you'll hopefully still enjoy it! It is so cool that you wrote a letter to Jason made of his letters. That is almost INFP romantic there Aine, you closet P, you!
Aniket, good one! For all the songs I included there are a hundred that I didn't, right? Can't get em all no matter how hard we try. I'm so glad you loved it! That makes me extra happy, :-D.
This series borders on being "Masterpiece" status. What FUN you must have had. And what memories!
(I know something about 'memories', right? -grin!)
No, no, no...Cat, you betrayer of the Romantic spirit, you! I was expecting bliss. Dancing. A duet for all time...
Okay, it was still ingenuously done. :) That ending was just rough. But I thought the twist was very well done, and I'm awed at your inventory of perfectly placed lyrics here.
This was an amazing, fun, inventive series. Perfectly reflective of its author. I enjoyed every minute of it!!
bloody brilliant, cat ;)
This was good for my memory land and just plain fun! Fantastic and amazing...Gal you have a real talent
Love and Hugs
Steve E,said you had a good posting so I came,I saw,I liked.
freaking brilliant!
Wicked you!!!! I'm with Shadow, this IS freaking brilliant!
hugs to you!
~ Calli
Loved every bit of this series Cat!
It's sooooo well done. :)
Great ending! With "the sound of silence"... Just finished it all off.
okay, Cat! I'm back just to tell you that
I have spent the entire day, singing and humming 'Dreamweaver'...
it won't leave me...:)
Oh this was a fun read! Some of these songs bring back great memories, others are just a hoot. Well done Cat.
I read all four parts and am at AWE as everyone as else.
This is definitely different for me...I've ne'er read anything like this before and mayb thats why I was thinking abt it since yester'
Cathy,How could you write so wonderfully!!! Truly genius:)
Would love to read more:)
The climax wasn't what I expected...
really good, enjoyed the read:)
Back again! What fun!
Steve E, yes you do! ;-) Thanks!
Sarah, I'm sorry I killed them. :-( I can't take full responsibility, the words just worked their twisted magic in my brain and dictated the story to me. I promise I'll try to be nice in the future. The good news is I WROTE FICTION, completely not real in any way. I have to admit, it was my first time.
Laughingwolf, thanks!
Linda, Yay, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Mike, Hello and welcome Mike! I hope you'll be back for more! :-)
Shadow, thanks!
Calli, heh heh, there is a little wicked in me it seems. I'm glad it made you smile.
Margaret, thanks! It seemed like the perfect ending.
Geraldine, :-) Thanks!
Deepa, yeah that ending was twisted for sure. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It was different for me too, and my first foray into fiction writing, so that was a win for me. :-)
Etain, thanks!
Linda, Yay!
Cat- I read this as soon as you posted it. i read the other yesterdays too. i loved them very very much. it was a very ingenous effort, and it was funny, and it made me very nostalgic. some of these songs were far before my time, but they were all songs very close to my heart...
i didnt comment because i couldnt think of something really clever and witty that would have matched the tone of your posts.i didnt want to be outshone by aniket :D you know i hate that...
i've been getting a lot of sympathetic and outraged comments for my last post, but the truth is, i wanted to make people laugh at the stupid things other people say. its so strange how hurtful memories can turn into darkly funny ones with time...
LGL-You don't have to compete with Aniket, any comment from you is usually pretty darned bright and always makes me smile.
Those things that the men said may make you laugh now, but they hurt once and they leave little scars, those words. I've had men say some pretty stupid things well over 20 years ago that still make me wince a little, even while laughing at it and them now.
Awesome!! Cat, you are amazing. I love the entire series. Now that I've caught up, I'm going to go back and read them again. Do you hear that sound? It's big applause:)
Julie! yay! I'm so glad you loved it. :-) That makes my day, really! :-D
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