You might ask yourself what this painting and the crocuses that came before have in common. It turns out that this painting was also inspired by Jason's crocus photograph. I was trying to do a study, and so I painted lines of cerulean blue against lines of cadmium yellow touched with a hint of alizarin crimson, just to see how the colors would fare next to each other. Then I put this aside and painted the crocuses. After the crocuses were finished and all y'all were busy creating brilliant haiku gems to go with the little tykes, I was upstairs in my painting room staring at the orange and blue lines until suddenly they became an ocean scene in my mind. And that's when I started adding stuff. It kind of reminds me of somewhere near Little Girl Lost's fateful crab pond.
(Shhh...don't tell anyone that the birds were photoshopped in...;-)
Woman! You don't stop! You are one multi-talented lady, inspired and inspiring. This is beautiful! Truly, though -- I love your crocus painting most of all.
Oh Cat I love you!
Here I am still contemplating a cro-ku and you are painting ,creating , etc. etc. etc. I may have to plan a vacation just from thinking about all you are accomplishing...Please send any extra energy my way!
Love the painting AND the birds..
Watercolor sky
Emerges from your fingers
Birds, photoshopped in.
~*~Poetically Yours, Marion ;-)
Thanks Karen, gotta keep doing it if I'm ever going to be good like the painter you have posted on your blog! :-)
Linda, Don't let my new post stop you from creating cro-ku! Just say yes! (Until you drop, which I do often).
Marion, Thank you! Wonderful! I will have to come visit your blog, I just dropped in for a minute, and am looking forward to spending some time with your work!
Gorgeous painting. Don't know why you photoshopped the birds in - you could have painted them in perfectly yourself. Love the cadmium yellow. It gives this a sunny, happy feel. I think I will take up painting. You have inspired me (as always). xo
By far, this is my favorite!!! Cat-- you are so talented! I loved hearing the story of the process, too. And the birds were a perfect touch (no one needs to know how you made them... ;))
Now I'll have visions of being by the sea all night tonight.
CatVibe, thank you for this exclusive look into the creative mind
--that part of you which contains attributes of THE Creator.
And I LOVE your whimsical splashing of the daylight, day-bright colors, beautifully put together. Thank You!
What are we not playing anymore??? :-D
Crocus to sea-beach,
Carolina spring beauty
Birds and beaches always hit me hard. :D
So I love this one even more than the crocus one. :)
All my attempts in using water paints have ended in an orange sky, blue water and strokes of disoriented black lines in between. They'll mix in all the wrong shades at all the wrong places. I dunno how u ppl do it. :)
PS: Will tell no on about the photoshop thingy. Our little secret. :)
PPS: Please mail me what all equipment you use for audio recording, like u did in the video. Am making an animated movie these days. :)
K. I know, especially after seeing how they look there, it seems like it would be almost nothing to make that little bird shape with a brush. Perhaps I should do some bird studies next, gain confidence you know? And then perhaps I will paint them in.
-Yes K, take up painting!! I highly support that whim!
Aine-Thanks! I feel I must confess because if anyone ever saw the real picture, it might look a little like something is missing! ;-)
SteveE, thanks! Those colors are SO scrumptious together, they just scream HAPPY!
Aniket-You never have to stop playing, love the haiku! Where do you like to beach Aniket? Do you go to Kerala? I still haven't seen the India coast, but I have heard stories of great beauty there.
Haven't been to Kerela yet.
I've been to the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, they are extremely beautiful.
And then of course, there is Goa! It is literally Heavenly out there! :D
Dear Cathy, This is for your inspiration for the Haiku:)
Pls come & get it...soon:)
k cat, i won't say boo... if'n you don't ;) lol
Cat! It's a beautiful painting you created there.
I just love the colours of the sky. They mingle perfectly together, giving the whole painting a wonderful, romantic character.
Just beautiful!!
Cat, this is a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful painting. :-)
it never fails to amaze me how someone can be SO talented at SO many things!
i liked this one even better than the crocus, and thats saying something, because i loved the crocus so much. it gives such a sense of space and peace...
i wish i could write a few lines, like aniket, but i'm out-haiku-ed at the moment...
BTW, aniket says you might feed me to the fish for writing a haiku in the 7-7-3 pattern.(come see). Will you?
My favorite too, Cat. The level of detail, and the overall harmony within the colors and setting, gave me a little jolt of delight. Really, this is awesome work.
And I loved hearing about your process! It sounds suspiciously similar to my writing process. Start with one idea, build a little, take a sharp detour, and arrive at something completely new. It definitely worked for you here! Just beautiful. :)
Just wondering how did I miss this blog...You have a great blog Cath.....just loved all your paintings, photographs and write-ups....Thanks and lot for sharing.....
SO BEAUTIFUL!! Cat, I always say the same things to you, but I can't help it. You inspire me so much. You are MULTI-TALENTED, woman!! That impresses me so much. Your poetry is beautiful. Your fiction. And, of course, your art. And your videos! Is there anything you can't do? NO!! I love seeing it all.
I don't know anything about art, but I know what is beautiful. I love the colors. And the theme. Thank you! Please keep posting them, so I can keep being amazed:)
oh, wow.....that sky...i don't know if i want to swim in it or eat it...it is ah-mazing. the colors are magical. i can see the crab pond - also reminded me of julie's "we leave the beaches for the tourists" - and hooray for photoshop. the birds are perfect.
come and read! come and read!
Dear everyone, thank you SO MUCH for your comments. I am so glad you all love those colors as much as I do. Now that I have discovered them and seen how you like them, I'm going to go paint zillions of things with those colors.
First thing I will paint is the garden, and that's why I've been AWOL from my blog. And yours likely! Oh, also there is the numb thumb and forefinger thing, making me avoid the computer for the paingiving creature it truly is. Anyway, I hope you will forgive for not answering comment by comment, but just know how much I appreciate you. :-) (Except the person whose comment I deleted. Do that again and I'll delete you everytime.)
'Sexy' can't read this Cat. Its a blog virus it posts a comment serially on all the blogs in a span of 5 min. I've been been witnessing it on plenty of blogs for the past few weeks.:D
Cat this is beautiful and I love that your "therapy" creates such things! Looking forward to the garden pics...
I see the colors!! You really captured their essence. I especially liked how you gave them room to paint themselves. :)
I love it! The burst of colours in the sky seem almost like fireworks, while the foreground has a strong Eastern feel along the lines of Chinese and Japanese Taoist/Zen brush paintings. I also find that my eyes vary in focusing upon the log and the grass in the left corner - a pretty neat effect. You are definitely gifted!
Loved the blending, especially on the lower middle part (the seamlessness is so pleasing to the eye). The overall effect is calming. Just looking at it makes me take a deep, cleansing breath. ;) Thank you for sharing, Cat. Cheers.
Jennifer, Jason, Minister, and S.L. Thank you! As soon as I can pull myself out of the garden, I hope to paint more in those colors. They are so inspiring!
Back to the garden...
its really wonderful work you ve done here..
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