You painted my face
In shining beams
I dressed you in silks
of schemes and dreams,
(And not just any kind of dreams,
Forever, ever, always, dreams).
Unraveling now
In shades upon shades
Tendrils have ripped
The garden gates,
Facades have crumbled
The rain’s washed clean
You stand there, naked
(In a pile of dreams).
You disappear into the mist
A glance behind,
A silken kiss,
The single thread
Left in my grasp
Leaves shadows of
A wily Asp.
(It seems I’ve dreamed
This dream before
Must I dream it o’r?
And o’r and o’r?)
Raw and lovely at the same time, and gorgeous when read out loud. It moves and swims and pulls, and then breaks off a little bit of the heart.
And no, you don't. And I know that some day you won't.
Oh no... :(
I'm sorry. So, sorry, Cat.
Amazing poem! You are so gifted with words. Dreams are your passion and your bane. And the juxtaposition of the metal beams with silk dreams is just brilliant. ;)
Great word usages here! This one is both lovely and moving too. Keep writing!!!
Yes, things are not always as they seem, are they?
Oh, Cat. You create art from artifice:
"Tendrils have ripped
The garden gates,
Facades have crumbled
The rain’s washed clean
You stand there, naked
(In a pile of dreams)."
This has beautiful contrast of light and dark along with the nature images. The introduction of the asp into the garden is especially effective.
I am so sorry about the situation, but so glad you can turn it into art.
Catherine, you have written a revealing poem of anguish and loss. It encompasses the painful world of man-made reality and the creative world of your wonderful imagination. I know you will soon move beyond this - in the affirmation of your love for life.
I'm sorry things didn't work out. Take special care. xo
Cat, this hurts my heart but it is awesome writing. If this is about you, I send my hugs. N
Potent questions of loss. Questions which are fair to ask.
Catherine, YOU wrote that??? Holy ****! that's GOOOOD, girl. And the photo you've troubled to match with it. I'll bet you were thrilled when you layed eyes on theat picture! I would have been. I know that feeling, when I've written something (not as erudite and creative as your stuff!) and the PERFECT picture just seems to appear!
I will NEVER not click on you, woman!
So heart-breakingly touching yet beautiful Cat. Loved the last lines a lot! And the whole poem too of course.
My turn to send cyber-hugs.
Ah....Cat......Beautiful lady....incredible poem....You inspire me on many levels
Love and Hugs
Melancholic but wonderful. You really get a sense of that gut-wrenching reach for the past and it truly taps on one's sense of nostalgia for that wich remains in memory, reflected in the present.
Jennifer, thank you. I hope not! :-)
Aine, yes...I know...But I thank you for seeing the 'beams' and 'silks' connection there. We will be who we are it seems...
Bro, thanks!
Cori-No they are definitely not! :-)
Karen-Thank you so much, and I'm glad to. Things were kind of stuck in there for a while. This poem kind of had me tripped up for a bit.
K. Thanks sweetie, :-)
Noelle, hugs back, it is good to see you!
Steve E. Thanks dude! And yes, I took that picture last February and have been just waiting for a chance to use it, so I thought of it immediately when I wrote the poem.
Aniket- :-)
Linda, Thank you so much, and hugs back to you my friend. :-)
Minister-This is a very accurate assessment, especially in regards to the past and how that affects your vision in a current situation. Interesting that you caught that very hidden implication. Thanks!
What a beautiful, beautiful poem, Cat, still uplifting despite another shattering of dreams...
But we must keep dreaming.
'a silken kiss' sounds fabulous!
An excellent poem, Cat!
Think we've all dreamed that dream o'r and o'r, and you have written those 'unraveling dreams' so perfectly!
Huge hugs, my friend.
I know it's a poor solace that such a beautiful, tender, honest poem can pour from the still-raw wound, but you've created something potent and heartbreaking here. (In a pile of dreams) really killed me.
You will keep dreaming, whether you want to or not. And you will keep faith in those dreams, no matter how foolish it seems. I know this about you, because it's in our nature.
But at least you knew to give up on the dream, before you got in too deep. And that shows growth and courage, too. You respect yourself too much for anything that doesn't feel right, and worthy of those dreams.
(tell Marlow to curl up extra close to you, too ;))
bloody brilliant, cat, as my brit friends would say... even through the pain....
Vesper, thanks. :-) And yes, dreaming is good. I don't think it would be possible to stop.
Shadow, thanks!
Calli, Hi Calli...and yes, it's true, we do, don't we...
Sarah, You have amazing vision. I thank you so much for your continued friendship. :-)
it takes an artist of no mean talent to turn a bleeding wound into a painting.
i am glad you wrote about this Cat. i personally have found that a poem is the best possible bandage for a heart torn by splinters of broken dreams. words heal.
i love this poem. i am taking a print so that i can read it aloud at home.
you seem to be getting smothered by hugs, so i'll just wait around till everybody else is finished.
i love you.
Thanks LGL, I appreciate you very much. :-)
Beautiful Cat, I love the lilting
cadence to this poem. The gossamer
quality of love.
Heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. I love the poem, but I'm also so sorry for any pain you may be having. Poetry is great for dealing with the pain, though.
Many hugs to you, dear Cat! And thank you for sharing it with us. It is very powerful. Yes, you will move beyond it, because you are an AWESOME woman!
Thanks Julie! I'm doing pretty alright, poetry (and short stories) help to process and come to terms. I'm so glad we have them.
Paul-Charlotte, NC in February at 3:00 in the afternoon. :-)
written beautifully... parenthesis allowed in poems i see!!!I am gonna try some too..."Tendrils have ripped" and "a silken kiss" happen to be my favorite Lines of the all...:)
Frozen Well (narendra, god I love that name) Thank you! And your latest poem rocked my world.
FYI - My dad's name is Narendra too. :D
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