Thursday, May 10, 2012

Be quiet, Metaphor

The romance is dead
At the end of its rope
A fading flower
Its rock has sunk
Twisted into knots
Numb, without meaning, defunct.

My parade is rained on,
Just a grey cloudy sky.
Trying to be here now
Was the winter of my discontent
I couldn't see the forest
For the trees were dancing
Blowing in the wind...
So I had to leave you.


The romance is dead,
I don't love you anymore,
You former key 
That unlocked an imaginary soul.
You were a line
To some sort of God, 
To wings, to dreams, to a new world,
To everything anyone ever wanted.

But you're just a word, sometimes you're a few,
And you disappoint,
Just like all the other words,
Full of false promise, then hope, now despair
I want you to go now, Metaphor,
And leave me alone
To a silence beyond hope, beyond fear
Beyond flowery words
Beyond comparison and analogy
Beyond, Before, Between, Beneath
Be quiet.


Wendy said...

Glad to see you posting again, Cat! Do it some more!! :)

Anonymous said...

Yay, Cat!

It is about time!

I love this line--beyond hope, beyond despair. Is it peace, there?

So glad you did this. Let's make it a habit, okay??

Catherine Vibert said...

Oh Wendy, look what you have enabled me to do! Woo hoo! I can reply to you directly. And about your order, yes ma'am!

Catherine Vibert said...

You're always trying to get me to make habits. Don't you know I only make bad habits? In the good things I am 'beyond' inconsistent. ;-) But, I'll try. Cat of Arc is itching, no scratching to speak. I think she will soon enter our dimension yet again, god only knows the trouble she's been up to in the other ones...

the walking man said...

Be What? Aww hell no I may not be metaphorical but I will be noisy, loud, obnoxious, rude, and crude but for god's sake political season is upon us if that is not fodder for fury then nothing is.

Oh by the way hey there Cat good to see you, glad you had something to say.

Happy Easter, Pappy

It’s been seven years since you died on Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day and Easter were your favorite holidays. Being in the garden with your fam...