The Lemonade Award is for sites which show great attitude and/or Gratitude!
This award has been bestowed upon my site by Khaled Kem . Thank you Khaled! I am deeply honored.
Rules for the award:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Nominate your favorites and link to this post.
My nominees are in no particular order:
Great attitudes of honesty, clarity and strong opinion:
Jennifer of The Bride Wore Magenta
Judith of The Being Brand
Julie of The Buffaloe Pen
Great attitudes of community building:
Jason of The Clarity of Night for his fiction contests.
Nancy of Every Photo Tells A Story for for that blog, and her other blog, Breathing Poetry which highlights the poetry of excellent bloggers.
Great attitudes of encouragement:
K. Lawson Gilbert of Old Mossy Moon
Sarah Hina of Murmurs
A.C. of The Dusty Lens
Qualcosa di Bello of Piacere
Great attitudes of bringing difficult subjects to light in a humorous way:
J.R. of JRs Thumbprints for his posts on prison life.
Gledwood of Gledwood Vol 2 for his posts on fighting heroin addiction.

Thanks so much, Cat! I LOVE lemonade. :) It's always a treat to see when I set aside a safe place for a community, and a community actually moves in and livens up the joint!
Cat - Thank you for the award and your words; words matter. It's always a good thing to be appreciated and you have done this. I am often a witness to the world you observe in various mediums through the lives of people and places.
Thanks so much, Cat. You do all those things on your blog, and more! :)
I appreciate Murmurs being included among so many other fine blog homes. And I could use some sips of summer lemonade on this cold, cold day. :p
Thank you!!
Jason- You are most welcome. Your contests enliven not only your site, but all those who participate! What could be better!
Judith-You are most welcome. And congrats on your new column at The Huffington Post! Excellent.
Sarah-Your words of encouragement in comment sections of many blogs I read are inspiring. Your work is sublime and inspiring.
Cat! Thank you so much!! What an honor, coming from you. My daughter and I are home sick today so this was a wonderful way to lift my spirits!
You definitely deserved your own Lemonade Award. (Am I allowed to give one back to you?? :) )
Thank you, Cat! You are too good to me:) I look forward to checking out the links of the folks I don't know yet. The ones I have met are awesome.
I agree with Jennifer. You deserve all the awards for your excellent work. I really appreciate your friendship!
Cat... I ahve not been to some of these blogs. So thank you for giving me new ones to check out!
And congrats on yours award!!
Thanks for the award... I shall have to ponder who on earth to pass it on to now!!!
WOW Cat! I am flattered by your words and consideration :-)it's a very good way to start the weekend!
Now I must reeeaaallly think where to properly place this nice award.... on a blog-fireplace mental maybe? :-)
Thank you!
Cat - I truly appreciate your kind recognition of my blog! I love that you gave it to me for encouraging others. I feel very fortunate that we have connected in a special way. I love you and your wonderful site. Thanks from the botton of my heart, dear Cat!
Cat -- Congrats of both getting the award and on bestowing it to wonderful writers. I concur on your choices (those whose work I know) and I'm headed over to the others right now. Thanks for bringing them to notice.
Thanks for the Killer Praise. Now I've got to find the Absolute.
Jennifer, you deserve it highly. I hope the Lemonade increased the liquid content to wash away the ailments you and your daughter were feeling. :-)
Charli, Thanks! And enjoy them, they are all exceptionally great.
Gledwood, You have an amazing amount of courage.
AC, You really were the inspiration to get me started in the blogging world.
K, You have always been so encouraging, and your poetry is so beautiful and elegant. I am in awe. And the way you brought our secret Ms. Karen into the blogging world was your gift to her, and to us! Because...
Karen, I am really in awe of your talent, and you are welcome. And thanks!
JR, you keep me cracking up. If I were in your shoes, I might mix my lemonade with vodka too! Well deserved my friend.
Julie! I almost missed you! Well deserved, your poems are commentary in poetic motion. Thank you for your comments AND your friendship. :-)
grats to all... nicely done! :D
Congrats on the award :)
I've never been good at following rules; that's probably why I can relate to my students so well. Gave you a permanent link though.
Congrats !!!
Laughingwolf, Sameera & Karmanna, Thanks!
JR-You rebel, you. I still want you to write me, I have something very exciting up my sleeve. Just waiting...tap tap tap... ;-)
I only know the last two- JR & Gled, but they both have been favourites for a couple years.
cat, thank you!! this award makes me think of turning lemons into lemonade (probably what the creator of the award meant...). i am honored that you feel encouraged by my humble words. :D
I just discovered this posting today!
Thank you so much for your kind and generous posting, and for the award:)
Every Photo- You are most welcome! I love both of your blogs and visit them regularly. It was hard to find a place to comment that was 'just for you'. :-)
Qualcosa di Bello, you are most welcome! You were one of my first internet 'friends'. And your warming spirit made me feel welcome here in the blog world.
Whitenoise, welcome and hello!
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